Desexing your pet.
Fiji’s large stray dog problem can be tackled by desexing animals and preventing overpopulation and future births of thousands of suffering animals.
Desexing, or neutering, involves removing an animal's ability to reproduce. It helps prevent overpopulation by reducing the number of abandoned or shelter-bound dogs in Fiji.
Did you know that one pair of fertile dogs can produce 16 puppies in one year? As all of these puppies grow up and have their own puppies, this will lead to over 12,000 puppies in 5 years, all direct descendants of the original mating pair.
Desexing also lowers the risk of certain health problems, such as tumours and infections, and can decrease behavioural issues like aggression and territory marking. Overall, desexing promotes the health and well-being of pets while helping manage the number of stray and unwanted animals.
Is desexing an animal dangerous?
Desexing is a common and safe procedure performed thousands of times every day worldwide.
Many false rumours should not deter you from desexing your pet. This process offers several benefits: your cat or dog will not go into heat or seek mates to reproduce. Females will generally be left alone by males. Pregnancy is hard on a female's body, so desexing allows her to enjoy life without this strain.

Do your animal a favour and get him or her desexed.
Book an appointment with us today!
How is desexing carried out?
First, we will give your pet or dog a sedative and prepare your male or female pet for the small operation.
in female dogs and cats, a small incision is made in the abdomen from which the uterus and ovaries are removed. This is a permanent solution, and desexed female dogs will never come into season or have puppies again.
It is a less invasive procedure in male dogs and cats where both testicles are removed from a small incision near the scrotum.
All animals are under general anaesthesia for these procedures and are also given extra pain relief to prevent any post-operative discomfort.

Any remaining questions?
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